What is believed to be the first North American high-speed meteor scatter QSO between portable stations took place on June 14, 2003 during the ARRL VHF QSO party. This was a scheduled run between WB2FKO/R in grid DM75 and KE7NS in grid DN41 on 144 MHz. The stations were located in New Mexico (about 5000 feet ASL) and Utah (about 9000 feet ASL near the top of Mt McKinnon), respectively, and separated by 522 miles (see above map). Using the FSK441 mode of WSJT, the QSO was completed in less than 20 minutes using random meteor pings.
Mark (now KU7Z) was running 160 Watts from an FT-847 into an M2 2M12 yagi. A couple of pictures of his portable setup can be seen here and here. Also in the pictures is Gerry, WA7ADK. The WB2FKO rover was making just 60 Watts into a 5-element K1FO beam (photo here). This is a scan of the KE7NS QSL card that documents the historic event!
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